H.B. 71 Guidance for Louisiana Schools
“I have issued guidance to our public schools regarding compliance with Louisiana’s Ten Commandments law, H.B. 71. As I have repeatedly said, H.B. 71 is plainly constitutional because there are constitutionally sound ways to implement it. My guidance letter explains as much and includes four specific displays, as well as a draft resolution that schools may use to adopt this guidance. I look forward to working with our schools and continuing to defend H.B. 71’s constitutionality,” said Attorney General Liz Murrill.

The join resolutions can be found and downloaded below.
- download ReligionsRoleinAmericanPublicEducation.png
- download DraftJoinResolutionforSchoolBoards.pdf
- download H.B.71GuidanceLetter.pdf
- download TheHouseofRepresentativesTheLawgivers.png
- download TheSupremeCourtTheLawgivers.png
- download TheSupremeCourtTheReligionClauses.png
- download DraftJoinResolutionforSchoolBoards.docx