
Tips from Attorney General Liz Murrill on how to prepare for Hurricane Season 2024

As the 2024 hurricane season approaches, Attorney General Liz Murrill wants to ensure people are taking proper precautions and staying alert and prepared throughout this storm season.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), this hurricane season is predicted to be above-normal activity. Meteorologists are forecasting that there will be a range of seventeen to twenty-five total named storms. Of those, eight to thirteen are forecasted to become hurricanes. 

Attorney General Murrill encourages Louisianans to prepare and develop a plan as soon as the season begins. “The first step in staying safe is preparing before a disaster strikes. That means ensuring your homeowner insurance is up to date, developing an evacuation and communication plan, stocking up on supplies.” Attorney General Liz Murrill said. 

Below, AG Murrill has provided some tips for preparing and staying safe before, during, and after a natural disaster strikes. 

Here are a few things you can do, today:

- Become familiar with the evacuation routes in your area

- Review your renters or homeowners insurance policy

- Safeguard your personal information by putting them in a secure, waterproof location

- Take preventive measures like decluttering drains and gutters and ensuring your cars are in working condition

- Take pictures or videos of items in your home

- Assemble disaster supplies for at least three days

- Create a communication plan with loved ones if power is lost

It’s also important to include your pets in your emergency plans:

- Update your pets ID tags if needed: talk to your veterinarian about permanent forms of identification like a microchip

- Compile a list of places you can go if you need to evacuate that are pet friendly

- Compile necessary pet food, medicine, documents, crates, and collars or harnesses 

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